Mechanical Ventilation is used to control indoor and outdoor air quality. It removes fumes, odours and heat and introduces fresh air into an enclosed space. Our team at Hinterland Air has the expertise to design and install ventilation and fresh air systems for small or large projects, meeting Australian Building codes, and your specific requirements.
Some buildings rely on mechanical ventilation to provide fresh air into bathroom, toilet and laundry facilities. Hinterland Air can ensure your amenity areas meet Australian Standards and keep building occupants comfortable.
As well as producing fumes and odours, kitchens have the additional complication of smoke and grease, requiring filters and other control systems to meet building and health requirements, as well as providing a comfortable environment for staff and customers.
The primary objective in car park ventilation is the to remove hazardous engine exhaust contaminants and meet fire safety requirements for the building. We can design ventilation and clean air system that maintains a safe and comfortable car park environment without excessive energy use